JDK Cleaning has secured and completed the cleaning contract for a provider of student accommodation in Cardiff and Bath for the second year running on behalf of Hello Student and Incentive FM.
The contract involved deep cleaning of a total of 800 flats and rooms which was delivered in exceptionally tight timescales including a 6-week turnaround in Cardiff and just a 7-day turnaround for the accommodation in Bath.
The contract involved deep cleaning of a total of 800 flats and rooms which was delivered in exceptionally tight timescales including a 6-week turnaround in Cardiff and just a 7-day turnaround for the accommodation in Bath.
Having delivered a highly successful cleaning contract for the same student flats in 2017, JDK Cleaning was approached again this year as the provider was so impressed with the co-ordination of the teams involved and the quality of the cleaning.
Due to the sheer number of rooms and apartments, robust planning processes were put in place by both JDK Cleaning and the client. This included a comprehensive schedule of vacant dates provided by Hello Student and Incentive FM for both sites to enable us to ensure we had the staff and systems in place to deliver the contract in the specified timescales.
From a logistical perspective, JDK also had to manage both sites, assessing and putting in place the manpower required to take on this massive, additional contract, whilst also maintaining the highest service levels to existing contracts. This involved deploying 30 cleaners to each of the Bath and Cardiff sites.
Lines of communication were clear at all times so that both parties were aware of the planned vs actual cleaning schedules, allowing for flexibility on both sides, where rooms were not vacated or where cleans took longer than originally anticipated.
A major area of concern was the extent of lime scale which affected the accommodation at the Bath site and which took longer to clean than originally anticipated. Even with industrial strength cleaning fluids and materials, this did cause some delay to our schedule. However, we still managed to clean all the rooms and apartments to our 5-star standard on time for the client.
Feedback was extremely positive and we are now providing an on-going cleaning service for ‘short-course’ let accommodation for the same client.
JDK Cleaning
Says Jack Kelleher, MD of JDK Cleaning, “This was a challenging contract at the height of our busiest time of the year, but with robust systems in place and a good rapport with the Hello Student and Incentive FM team we completed just shy of 800 Flats on-time and according to the schedule.
For details of JDK Cleaning’s commercial cleaning services, visit our website www.jdkcleaning.com or call us today on the number below:
