Imagine how it makes your employees feel when they walk into a sparkling, clean office every day. Then imagine how it will make them feel if their work environment is grubby and less than gleaming. Hygiene issues aside, it is very demotivating if, as an employer, you don’t show a commitment to keeping the workplace clean. It’s about setting standards from the top. After all, why should your employees work to high standards if you don’t deem their work environment important.
In addition to encouraging a productive environment, there are many more reasons why it’s important to keep your office clean. Read on to find our more.
Eliminating Germs
An office environment can be a breeding ground for germs. We found these interesting statistics from the United States:
The average desk harbours around 400 times more bacteria than the average toilet seat
Office phones have been found to harbour 25,127 germs per square inch.
Office kitchens are key offenders when it comes to germs.
An office water cooler can house 2.7 million germs per square inch.
So you can see how the cleanliness of an office environment is important in keeping germs at bay and protecting your employees from the spread of viruses like colds and flu. This in turn will help to keep down the levels of absenteeism in the workplace.
Maintaining Your Reputation
A less than clean office environment will not just have an impact on your employees. What do you think visitors like clients or suppliers will think of your business if your offices are not kept clean and tidy? Are they likely to do business with you if the meeting room you escort them into has stains on the tables with grubby carpets on the floor?
Initial impressions can have a huge impact on visitors and if you’re looking to secure a large customer contract, you will need to impress the client from the work go. How can you do this?
At JDK Cleaning, our office cleaning contracts cover the following as standard:
Regularly cleaning of entrance glass to eliminate smudges and marks
Maintaining the floors, particularly in reception areas or lobbies to the highest standards possible through washing, polishing or hoovering depending on the surface
If carpets are in place, we clean these regularly; not just to keep them clean but also to eliminate any bad odours which can accumulate, particularly in a busy area.
Daily cleaning of water fountains and coolers, taking note of stains or wet areas caused by leaks
Keeping office kitchens and washrooms gleaming and as germ free as possible
Wiping down desks, phones, computer equipment (like a mouse or keyboard), window sills and skirting boards on a daily basis.
JDK Cleaning
JDK Cleaning is a leading commercial cleaning company operating across Wales and the South West. We are the preferred supplier to a huge number of local businesses ranging from those operating in the hospitality sector to construction cleans as well as regular office cleaning for accountants, solicitors and dental and doctors’ surgeries.
Call us today on the number below:
