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Keeping Your Office Free from Pests During the Summer

With the UK enjoying an unseasonably warm Easter, the problem of pests in the office or other commercial premises seems to be starting earlier this year.  As a result of the sunny weather, many workers will be wearing lighter, more casual clothes, start to pump up the air con and thrown the windows open.  Unfortunately, it’s not just a cool breeze that will find its way through those windows.

Whether it’s wasps, flies, ants, mosquito, midges or bees, Spring and Summer can be open season for office and workplace invaders. To help you keep your premises pest free, the team at JDK Cleaning has come up with a few tips and tricks to deal with a range of unwanted intruders.

Keeping your Office free from Ants

If you notice trails of ants marching across your professional space, then it’s time to take a stand against surface mess. From crumbs on desks to sticky sugary surfaces around the coffee station, eliminating foodstuffs on your workplace surfaces will go a long way towards preventing ant invasions which occur when one “scout” ant finds a food source, then summons the rest of the nest. Use a warm, wet cloth and cleaning spray to wipe down surfaces immediately after use to stop this from happening.

Keeping your Office free from Flies

There is nothing more annoying than a great big fly droning around the workplace? When your office is warm, and the windows are open, flies inevitably can’t resist flying on in. They are, however, less happy in cooler temperatures. Consider shutting your windows to keep flies out and instead use the air conditioning to keep your professional space cool. If this is not an option, then taking out the bins every day, keeping surfaces clean, ensuring fruit is stored in the fridge and hanging fly paper at your windows will help to tackle the problem.

Keeping your Office free from Rats

Water sources, including leaky taps and pipes, can attract rodents in the summer months, including mice and rats. As the weather gets warmer, rubbish can fester and become pungent more rapidly too, which can also lure rodents into your workplace. Ensuring that leaks are fixed and that your rubbish is collected regularly and sealed away the end of each working day will help to prevent the issue.

Keeping your Office free from Wasps

Probably the most loathed of summertime workplace pests, wasps in the office can be a potentially dangerous disruption for your team, possibly causing those people fearful of them to run away and abandon their desks entirely. While ensuring that fruit and spilt sugary substances are stashed safely and cleaned up properly respectively will ensure that you don’t encourage wasps, if there is a nest nearby, calling in a professional pest control team to remove it is the only fool proof solution.

Commercial Cleaning Contractors

If you employ the services of a commercial cleaning contractor but still have problems with any of these pests on a regular basis, then they are not doing their job properly.  You need to ensure that the company employed to clean your offices keep desks, kitchens and other staff areas clean and food-free all year round, not just during the warmer weather.  And if it’s in their contract to do so, they should also dispose of all rubbish too.

If you need help with keeping your workplace clean and tidy to prevent pests during the Spring and Summer months, then JDK Cleaning can help. We provide bespoke office cleaning services across the Swansea and the surrounding areas, keeping your space spick and span so that you can get on with business. To discuss your requirements, contact our commercial cleaning experts today on the number below:

Free from Pests


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